Saturday 10th June
Polperro Music Festival
Pipers: Nigel, Keith G, Miranda, Emma, Alex, Matt, John C, Donny
Drums: Tenor, Beth; Snare, Tom G, Bass, Sue & Keith I
The Kernows pitched up at Polperro in the drizzle, so it was capes on from the outset. The Band led the procession of school children, Morris Dancers, fancy dressers and the mayor’s party down through the village; around the narrow streets past the harbour; and up to the village square where we played a few tunes, including the first outing of “Jim Thomson of Flagstaff”. After lunch, we played for 40 minutes on the quayside to the inner harbour with quite a good crowd despite the glum weather. Good to have Sue and James from Exeter and Matt from Plymouth and our thanks to Marie for her efforts with the “admin”. After collecting a dozen or so parking tickets last year, we managed to escape without any this year! Our thanks to Kelvyn for his support. A fun day despite the weather!