Saturday 29th July
Wadebridge Carnival
Pipers: Nigel, Alex, Miranda, Keith G, Felicity, John, David C
Drummers: Snare – Tom G, Bass – Keith I and Sue
Security: Kelvin
The Band assembled at the Cricket Pavilion in Wadebridge with some trepidation as the rain was falling continuously and quite heavily. Prospects did not look good for the carnival but as luck would have it the rain stopped 10 minutes before the start and returned 10 minutes after we all finished! So fortunately, the Band kept fairly dry around the lengthy route over the bridge and around the town and, rather surprisingly, there was a good crowd out enjoying the spectacle.
Wadebridge always has a great atmosphere and last night was no exception so well done to the Carnival committee and all the other participants! Sadly too wet for any photos except this image from Beth, but there is some video footage on Youtube which includes the Kernows at around the 18 minute mark.