Sunday 20th August
Newquay Lifeboat Day
Pipers: Nigel, Alex, Keith G, Miranda, Allan, John, David C, Emma, Matt
Drummers: Bass – Sue, Snare – Tom, Chris, Tenor – Beth
Security: Kelvin
The Kernows returned to Newquay for the Lifeboat Day. Unfortunately, the weather was not ideal, but as luck would have it, we managed to stay fairly dry and our thanks to the manager in Frankie and Benny’s for giving us shelter before the start!
We do not do many double event weekends, but this is one of them, and it was heartening to have 9 pipers and 4 drummers available to lead the vintage lifeboat “Joshua” down to the harbour. After a pasty, we played a second slot at the end of the quay as the Padstow lifeboat entered the harbour and then it was back to the PM’s for the traditional Cornish cream tea with cakes prepared for us by Deller!