Pipers: Nigel, Jason, Tom, Stuart, Ian, David, Jenson, Alex, Rob, Mike

Drummers: Don, Ed, Jonathan, James

The forecast was not good as we set off for Truro armed with our waterproofs. There was an impressive turnout of ten pipers and four drummers.

At 6 pm the Kernow Band led the Carnival Procession behind the British Legion flag bearers and the Town Crier who made a short speech which included a piece regarding the Charities.

The streets were crowded and the sun shone much to everyone’s delight and the onlookers looked to be enjoying the procession. By 7.30 it was over for the Band and on the way back to the cars we stopped by Littlewoods to listen to the Leprechauns who were singing at the top of their voices “We hear the sound of distant drums” and beating their drums as loud as ever!

As we each left the car park and bade farewell to one and all the skies were still clear and bright! Yet another joyful experience!