25TH MARCH 2012
Pipers: Nigel, Stuart, Rob, David, Tom, Keith G, Miranda, Alex, Ian, Tony, Keith N, Chris
Drummers: James, Keith I, Don, Tom W
Drum Major: Geoff Mitchell
There was a cold misty start to the day and a brisk wind as we left for Falmouth to take part in the Parade through the town to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the St Nazaire raid. On the invitation of the Royal British Legion the Band were to attend the Service of Remembrance at the St Nazaire Memorial on the Prince of Wales Pier.
The Kernow Band had an impressive turnout with a total of 12 pipers and 4 drummers and a Drum Major who led the Band through the town. During the Parade several comments were made regarding the colourful array of tartans on display in the Band. These included the tartan worn by the Royal Air Force Pipe Band, the Cornish Hunting and Cornish Day tartan, the Black Watch and a new addition, the Gordon tartan. After the customary warm up in the Quarry car park, the members walked down to assemble on the Moor to await the start of the parade. The British Legion Motor Cycle Club Members led the march on their gleaming machines followed by the Kernow Band and the Standard Bearers which included the St Nazaire Society, the Royal British Legion, the Air Training Corps, Naval cadets, the Parachute Regiment and dignitaries.
The Service was led by the Rev Francis RN who opened the prayers and after a reading of a memorial by Eric Dawkins MBE of the St Nazaire Society there followed the Exhortation, The Last Post, two minutes silence and Reveille. After the Laying of the Wreaths and Blessing, the Parade was ordered to assemble and they marched through the town to the Falmouth Water Sports Centre. The Band then played a medley of 7 tunes to an appreciative audience before retiring to the Club for refreshments.
By now the weather was glorious and one or two of us felt a deckchair placed by the building would be very welcome in the warm sun facing the sea’s now gentle breeze.