Saturday 14th June
Penhale Steam & Tractor Rally
Pipers: Alex, Tom. Chris, Stuart, Miranda, Keith G, John
Drummers: Snare – James, Tom W, Tenor – Fred, Vic, Bass – Keith I
Drum Major – Andrew
The weather was hot, with clear blue skies and not much wind to cool – the previous day had been the hottest so far this year. The 7 Pipers, 5 drummers and Drum Major were already parked at the side of the large field by 10.15 hours where the event was well under way. There was an impressive turnout of vintage tractors and cars, farming machinery and Army vehicles. Besides the Kernow Pipes and Drums, other events taking part in the main ring during the day included a Dog Show, Motor Cycles, Cars, Ford Tractors, Majorettes, Children’s Tug of War and Sheep Dog Handling to name but a few. There was also a car boot sale, a bouncy castle, miniature steam engines on show and ferret racing!
The Band were to play in two slots, the morning one at 11.30 was in the main ring where they marched and formed a circle in each corner of the roped off area. This was well received by their audience who were mainly sitting on the numerous hay bales dotted round the outside. The Dress Code was Day Dress, white shirts and Glengarries. Tunes played during the two performances included the following – Green Hills/Battles O’er, Scotland the Brave/Rowan Tree/Wings/Bonny Galloway, Scotland the Brave/Mairi’s Wedding, Collin’s Cattle/Shoals of Herring, Cockney Jocks/Rainbow Country/Bluebells of Scotland, Highland Cathedral, Last of the Great Whales and Trelawney was played by a solo piper.
There was a large Refreshment Marquee and Fast Food outlet on the site which was appreciated at lunch time.
By 13.30 hours, their second slot, the grounds were filling up with more families and the Band marched up through the field to the adjoining one, which was a steeper climb, to the sound of the steady beat of the snare drums. Once at the top there was relief from the heat in the form of a welcoming breeze and the Band formed their circle and played a medley before marching back and dismissal.
It was a splendid day, with loads of entertainment – the Band played well to their appreciative audience – and the weather was wonderful!