Saturday 21st June
Armed Forces Day, Heartlands, Pool
Pipers – Nigel, Alex, Stuart, Keith G, Miranda, Tom, Gower, Chris, David T, Allen, James Robinson (Guest Piper)
Snare: James,
Tenor: Vic, Fred
Bass: Keith Ives, Sue Robinson (Guest Drummer)
Drum Major – Andrew
In spite of the very short notice for this event, there was an excellent turnout of 11 pipers and 5 drummers. It was a sparkling day of bright sunshine with a gentle cooling wind. Members had assembled in the car park of Cornwall College well before 15.30 hours for a tune-up and practice. The Dress Code was Day Dress – white shirts, Glengarries, Hairy Sporrans and Spats. The World Heritage Site was a lovely setting for the event with its historic old tin mine still in evidence, refurbished of course and now used as a museum. The Complex was packed out with visitors and side stalls, denoting RAF Recruitment, Royal British Legion, Fire and Rescue, Art Works from the students of Pool Academy, and Army, Navy and Air Force Cadets to name but a few.
The Band had the finale of the day at 16.30 hours – the previous 7 hours or so had been filled with a great variety of events which included the BBC Radio Cornwall live Broadcast, RNAS Culdrose Volunteer Band, Veterans and Cadets parade, Awards Ceremony, Musical and Drama productions by students of Pool Academy including music and songs from WW1 and WW2, The CuldRoses Military Wives Choir, and a Battle of Britain Flight Spitfire fly past.
Just before 16.30 hours the Announcer asked the packed audience in front of the stage to clear an area for the Kernow Band. Led by the Drum Major, the Band marched to the front of the stage and formed a circle where they played a medley of tunes – there was much camera clicking and enthusiastic applause from their audience. Tunes played in the day’s performance included the following – Green Hills/Battles O’er, Scotland the Brave/Rowan Tree/Wings/ Bonny Galloway, Scotland the Brave/Mairi’s Wedding, Cockney Jocks/Rainbow Country/Bluebells of Scotland, Waters of Kyleskue/Skye Boat Song/Morag of Dunvegan, Collin’s Cattle/Shoals of Herring, Dark Isle, Amazing Grace and Highland Cathedral. The melancholy Last of the Great Whales was played beautifully in a two piper duet.
After 30 minutes and during the playing of The Three Slow Aires the Drum Major led the Band back to the Assembly Room where they finished the music and there was more applause. The Pipe Major took a few moments to speak to the Members. He thanked the Band’s Guests from Exeter for attending and mentioned how it was the first public appearance of a new member and finished by congratulating the Band on their outstanding performance. The Band was dismissed.
It had been an uplifting enjoyable day in pleasant surroundings – the Band had looked impressive – had been “brilliant” (to quote a bystander) and the sun had shone non-stop.