Kernow Pipers: Miranda, Keith, Dave, John, Nigel,
Kernow Drums: Sue and Chris

he Kernow five pipers and two drummers that ventured to Bideford became 16 pipers plus 2 on practice chanters, 6 drummers and a drum major at the Bideford Carnival and Massed Bands on 14th September! The “not quite a band” bands joined forces to form the 25 strong band that came together in the car park and produced a great sound for the carnival parade.

The Kernows linked up with members from North Devon, City of Exeter, Swansea, Tarka, St Andrews Cheltenham and City of Newport Pipes and Drums with 4 pipe majors forming the front rank behind Drum Major Vicky and became the “South West” Band.

The weather was warm and sunny, with big crowds as a result and we played the Green Hills, Scotland the Brave, High Road to Gairloch and Steam Boat sets.  In many respects, the joining together of the different bands epitomised all that is good about piping and drumming – camaraderie and good music!

Our thanks to Gaylena and Mike and the rest of the Bideford Youth Pipes and Drums for hosting yet another great event and spectacle. A fun day out!