Pipers: Ali, Emma, Miranda, Adam, Dave, Donny, John, Keith and Nigel
Drums: Anita, Chris, Henry, Kelvyn, Matt and Steve
The Kernows paraded at Falmouth to march the civic dignitaries from The Moor down through the main street to the church for their annual service and back again. A lovely warm day and quite a few in town to enjoy the spectacle.
We played Kilworth Hills/Bloody Fields of Flanders, and the Meeting of the Waters set, being two new sets for the Arnhem trip in a fortnight. The other sets were Green Hills, Cockney Jocks, Dangerous Jim and High Road to Gairloch.
Then a welcome tea break in ‘the Kings’ while the service was in progress which gave Keith an opportunity to tell us all about the lifecycle of bees which we all found very interesting and informative and a bit disconcerting in parts!
Once the parade had come to a halt on The Moor, Dave and Steve led Highland Cathedral, before we dismissed and retired to the reception for lunch and a chat.
A good band performance with some new tunes added to the portfolio!
Photos thanks to Michelle.