Another sunny day for the first workshop of 2019 – why doesn’t it ever rain when we choose to sit indoors all day?
Seven pipers were able to attend and had a very productive day going through exercises and new band tunes on chanters before playing them on the pipes. Brexit was raised at lunchtime but eventually we did “make a deal” that it would not be mentioned again at afternoon tea! To leave lunch without that deal could have been a catastrophe for the success of the afternoon tea session. PM Nigel was insistent on this deal and that we would have to also leave the hall on time at 4.30pm as he had arranged with the village hall treasurer having given him an ‘article’ with £50 (aka Article 50). However, some wanted an ‘extension’ and perhaps ‘leave’ at 5pm instead. Others wanted just to ‘remain’ and carry on playing some nice tunes!
Oh well, Arnhem trip in September-will we need a special visa?